Partage Beechwood 2024

Community Events

August marked the return of the most exclusive dinner party in town, Partage Beechwood!  

Rain did not dampen the spirits of attendees, who clearly understood the assignment by turning up ready with raincoats, umbrellas, and the BEST attitudes!  

This year, 200 guests sat at a 300-foot table amongst the trees and souls of Beechwood National Cemetery and raised $65,000 for the Partage Vanier foodbank. The French themed evening saw guests being greeted by accordions and the angelic voice of Rebecca Noel. Guests then earned their dinners by singing Joe Dassin’s “Champs Elysés” in the procession to the table, where they were greeted by an enchantment designed by Carole Saad of Loulou Lounge. They dined on a 5-course meal carefully conceived by Chef David Godsoe and his team from Restaurant e18hteen, where ingredients were donated by dozens of farms and producers. Accompanying desert was an emotional Edith Piaff performance by Nathalie Nadon.  

Partage Beechwood celebrates the bounty of the harvest and the power of community. Mark your calendars for Partage Beechwood on Aug 20th 2025